Free Post- About Myself

     My name is Jack Safer, and this is my blog. Here I will discuss whatever my English teacher assigns. Today I will just talk about myself and how I feel about my new English class. So, first off, I play soccer and I do track and field. Now, onto the english class.

     To start things off, my main expections about the class. My first one is reading. I really do enjoy books when they're interesting. I could read the book just for fun if it was good, even if it's a school book. My last expectation is being able to manage homework with all of my other classes. English has never been one of my "hard" subjects, so I hope this doesn't change. And now onto my concerns. When going into this class, I was really hoping that 8th grade was final shakespear expirence for a year or two; then I heard from the 10th graers that there is extremely hard shakespear writings we have to read. My other concern is keeping up with the whole blogging thing. I just don't enjoy blogging in general.

     These are my feelings about English class.


  1. Jack I really am nervous about the whole Shakespeare reading but we will be fine. Jack I also like how you are striving to do great in this class.


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