
I can't believe this. All I want to do is figure out what they were saying. You know what? I'm going over to Frank to ask him; and I'm getting an answer.
"Hey Frank. I gotta ask you something." I call. Frank, the tallest kid in the grade, walks over to me.
"What do you want, Tim?"
"Could you just tell me what y'all are talking about?"
"But why not? Please tell me." I beg.
"Sorry bud, but I can't do that." I keep getting these responses until I'm fed up with it. I was going to figure out what they were talking about, no matter what.
"Look, I just really want to know." I say, slowly thinking of a plan.
"Why do you even want to know man?" Frank is starting to get aggravated, so I respond quickly.
"I may or may not know what y'all are talking about, but nevertheless I know a secret. Or actually it's more of a rumor," Frank's turning away so I panic when I can't think of what to say so it just slips, "it's about you."
He turns around and starts at me for a second, as if he is trying to see if I'm telling the truth or not.
"What do you mean by rumor, Tim?' He asks. By the tone of his voice I know I've got him just where I want him.
"I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you. This is a pretty bad thing going around and I don't know if I should tell you." I respond.
"Here, if I tell you what I was just talking about, you tell me what this rumor is." I can tell he really wants to know. So with a grin I look at him and say, "Deal."
"Alright, well we were just talking about our math homework and what pages to do. So, your turn."
I'm so dumbfounded by this that it takes me a minute to process what I've done. I thought they were talking about something interesting. But they were just talking about homework! I just stare back at him and mutter, "Um, well, I guess people were saying that you are, um, a uh, well I don't know. I don't really know." I'm just looking at the ground when I hear Frank snort and then walk away. Well that backfired. The bell rings and I start heading to my next class.


  1. I was very intrigued as I was reading. I was dying to know the ending! I thought it was funny how you ended with how it actually wasn't this big rumor. I thought that your dialogue flowed very smoothly as well


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