Fictional Short-Story

I have finally done it. I have finally achieved my main goal in life. After all this hard work I think I have the answer to this question I been asking myself for so many years. Now all I have to do is download it on this USB drive and...done! All of the information is saved on this one, small, USB drive I'm holding in my hands. Yet along with this sense of joy, I feel panic. What should I do with this information? Can I leave it saved onto this computer where it can accessed...and stolen? No. I can't. If someone else gets their hands on this information; no, I can't think about that now. I look around for another USB drive to download this on for a backup, but I see none. Great. I guess I could try and buy another one, but I know that there are people that are waiting for me to leave this so they can take it all, I just know it! I take a deep breath and delete everything. It's hard, but I know it's what I have to do. Once everything is gone, I take some parts out of the computer that hold storage, just in case there is something left on here. Then I put everything in my bag and start walking out the building. I say goodbye to some of my co-workers and walk to the elevator. I hit the ground-floor button and start travelling down. When I get to the garage I see that my car is the only one here. But I just walked past my co-workers upstairs. They're here. I should've been more cautious. I draw my gun and look around. I know I can't go to my car so I walk out into city. I holster my gun but I'm ready to draw it at any moment. I turn just in time to see the black suit turn a corner. I start to walk faster and faster until I hear the helicopter. I try calling for some backup when I'm slammed onto the ground. He's here. I look up into my brother's eyes to see his hatred for me.
"Where is it?" he asks.
"What are you talking about?"
"Where is it?" His voice is filled with anger.
"I can't tell you that." Just as I'm about to make another comment, my feel my bag isn't there anymore. My brother starts laughing and lifts the bag up. I try and get up to fight back but he takes his gun out and aims at me.
"Well, I guess I'll see you later little brother." He pull the lever back and fires. I wake up covered in sweat and grab a glass of water. That was one crazy dream, I think to myself. I get back in bed and go back to sleep.


  1. Great story with a great plot. I really like how you made it a dream.


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