Literary Analysis Thesis Evidence

In my Literary Analysis, I am focusing on the characters' different views of the beast. I find it interesting to compare Simon and Jack's views of the "beast" in LOTF. The main characters I will focus on are Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy, and the littluns. As an "overview", Ralph believes the beast is real, but it seems he either doesn't want to accept it's real or he just can't explain what exactly it is. Jack doesn't belive in he beast, but he makes his followers belive it is a scary monster of some sort to make them follow him. Simon, on the hand, believes that the beast is humanity itself. In this very "deep" description, Simon believes that the beast is a composition of all the bad aspects of each boy on the island. Piggy's depiction of the beast is literally that the beast can't exist because it's not possible. And finally, the littluns. Their view is exactly what Jack wants his followers to believe; the beast is some sort of scary monster. Everyone's unique views of the beast cause changes in the book and influence many important decisions in the book.


  1. I like how you chose this because it is a major thing that we talked about in class. I think this is a really interesting thing to think about.


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