Semester Reflection

1. Do NOT procrastinate
I've learned firsthand that procrastinating in high school could very well mean the difference between an A and a B. Take blog posts for example. After checking Canvas, blog posts take a decent portion of points in English, even though they seem so easy to complete.

2. You can manage sports and school easily
Before going into high school I heard that it was nearly impossible to keep up with sports and grades. And I would agree, if I didn't do my work ahead of time when I have conflicts involving school and sports. When i know I'm going to have an extra day of practice, I go ahead and do my homework during tutorial and study hall.

3.The workload isn't that bad
Now, one of the main differences between high school and middle school is the workload. even though right off the bat there is more work to do in high school, I've realized that i can manage it way better.


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