The Tragedy of Katrina
During hurricane
Katrina, the only thing people that didn't live inside of New Orleans could do
was watch the news and pray. Because of this, most people were just confused
and scared. But for the citizens of New Orleans, this was a whole other thing.
There are many stories about how it was in the middle of Katrina, but the
reader of this will only hear of one.
During the dark
night, Alyssa heard the sound of screams and cries. She wished she could cry,
but she was all out of tears from crying. Alyssa was sitting in a shelter with
her parents after being recused from the roof of her now-flooded house. Then
she imagined how long and hard it will be to rebuild her home. She just wanted
to curl up into a ball and be able to be free from all this pain and suffering.
Now, Alyssa has finally moved into her home; but Katrina is something that she'll never forget.
I heard that tons of people living in New Orleans rushed into Baton Rouge to stay away from Katrina so some people couldn't go there. Is Alyssa one of your relatives?