Interesting Things in LOTF

While reading "Lord Of The Flies", I have found some things that are very interesting and very puzzling. So, to start things off, the interesting things. Probably the most fascinating part of this book is how these boys managed to stay alive this long. These are just 12 and 6 year old boys who did things like sing in choirs before the crash. Another interesting thing is the way Jack is becoming crazy. I find it intriguing to read these chapters nd slowly watch him transform and only Piggy has really taken note of it.

Now onto the puzzling things. By far the most puzzling part of the book is how Piggy is treated. He is the smartest kid there and is treated no better than the littluns. I do believe that he will eventually become valuable to everyone there, but so far he just gets bullied and people steal his ideas. The last thing I have to point out is how the "hunters" are all following Jack when trying to kill pigs, and only Simon and Ralph are doing important things like build shelters. These are the most interesting and puzzling things in "The Lord of The Flies."


  1. I agree with you that the way Jack is changing is interesting. I am also confused by the way Piggy is treated.

  2. I agree. I think its crazy how terribly they treat Piggy, especially Jack. In the book now, Ralph is being a lot nicer to Piggy which is good.


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