Hits and Misses

First off, I think that every blog post this year has been a hit for me. I have always found them to not be difficult; they just made me take a step back and give a solid, legitimate answer in each post. Another hit of mine was the personal narrative. I wrote about "The Betrayal", where I talked about facing off against my former soccer teammate in a soccer tournament. My final hit was the research paper. This assignment was the only thing we worked on in history and English for at least 3 weeks. I really enjoyed this paper because of how I appreciated the topic I was working on and had fun with it.

The first of my misses definitely has to be my literary analysis. My grades on everything involving the analysis dragged my overall grade in English down frequently. I just couldn't do the right things and make the paper "work" for me. I just don't think it was good because I didn't connect to what I was writing about, unlike my hits. My other miss would definitely have to be the poetry writing assignment. I know that it was easy because I did the emoji poem; I even got a good grade on it. But for some reason I just couldn't think of a story that I could write using only emoji's for a while. (I had writer's block really bad)


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