What was your most precious childhood possession?

Right after I saw this option at the top of the list I knew I had to respond to it. My most precious childhood possession, or possessions, would have to be my "silkies." My silkies were two small blankets I've had since I was born. One was red and made of smooth silk, while the other was made of a slightly tougher fabric. I would always sleep with my silkies and ring them on trips. I would even walk around with them occasionally.

I really loved bringing my silkies everywhere I went and, as said earlier, I brought them on trips. So when my family and I were going on a cruise to Alaska, I brought my silkies. Sadly, I don't remember this trip too well, but I do remember crying at my house when I realized I left my silkies somewhere on that cruise ship the day we got back home. Luckily, my grandma and aunt were generous enough to go and have the silkies remade the exact same.


  1. I like how your most precious possession was something from a while ago that you remembered. These blankets had a unique name which is cool. Good job with the post.

  2. This is very creative and good. I too had a blanket that I kept with me all the time named blanky.

  3. This made me sad. Do you still have these silkies?


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