Dear __ Year Old

Dear 12 year old, go on the hunting trip. Even though it seems like a bad idea, you should really go. You may not know it now, but that trip will help you succeed in so many more ways than you could imagine. Also, whenever you're there, try not to go 50 mph on a 4-wheeler on a steep path in the woods. Does NOT work out well in the end.

Dear 10 year old, remember Jeb. After he's gone forever, you don't want to barely be able to remember him because I took him for granted. And remember to stay close to Jeb because he can really make life better. Just keep a picture of him, or just spend more time with him everyday. It will impact in a good way, I promise.


  1. Sounds like a great time that you cannot miss. Great job with giving great imagery and good detail.

  2. Wow! Great imagery details. I really like how you talked to your younger self.


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