Strengths and Challenges

After reading the instructions for this assignment, I immediately thought of voice/tone as a strength of mine. I feel like when I read my own writing it sounds like me, not just some random writer. Another strength of mine is audience. I think that I can change my writing styles depending on who my audience or target audience is. This has never been difficult for me. My final strength is staying with my genre. I think this is probably everyone's strength because it's just staying on topic.

For my weaknesses, I'd have to start with citations. I have always hated doing citations because I just don't think that they only need to be written down once at the end of a paper. And with all these in-text citations being introduced this year, I have found myself annoyed because I don't know why I need to repeatedly cite the same sources over and over again. My other weakness is finding a good topic. This is a bit specific, but I can name at least 5 situations where I've had to change my writing topic after starting my rough draft because I have trouble finding solid topics I can write papers on.


  1. I wish I could relate on the unique writing. We have similar traits.


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